Shorts By The Box
Oregon Black Walnut shorts by the boxful, shipped right to your door!
All of the slabs below are in the process of air drying. Most slabs require 2 summers of air drying...
Small Boards
Shorter material - generally 3' and less. Ranging from highly figured to plain.
Our selection of tonewood blanks are carefully inspected and graded in accordance with typical lutherie guidelines (A to AAAAA).
Slab width
36 to 41 inches(335)
42 to 50 inches(405)
51 inches and wider(240)
Slab length
95 Shorter(252)
96 to 119 inches(312)
120 to 155 inches(264)
Shorts Thickness
Under 1"(1)
1" Thick(1)
1.25" Thick(1)
1.5" Thick(9)
2" Thick(21)
2.5" Thick(63)
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